Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Adding more 'ing' to my NY life

New-age spirituality and self-help are two topics I would normally steer well away from. Not to say it doesn't work for some but I have been sceptical at times and find the advice or guidance given is rarely TRULY insightful and seems pretty obvious.

However, this is not to say I'm not open to listening to what people have to share. And so it was that I found myself sitting alone last night at a lecture on 'Creative Abundance' run by Gabrielle Bernstein.

Gabrielle is a highly successful Gen Y self-help guru, motivational speaker, life coach and author about to embark on a book tour to promote her first book 'Adding more 'ing' to your life'.

I know her as Gaby (one of Micaela's best friends in NY) who, in the two years since I last saw her, has become an absolute sensation here in the self-help and life coach circles. Gaby has done everything from co-found the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network straight out of uni - a non-profit professional organization that connects female entrepreneurs - to launching a social networking site - Herfuture.com - allowing young women to connect with career mentors.

As successful as she is and as supportive as I wanted to be, I must admit I attended the lecture with a healthy dose of Australian scepticism and my bullsh*t radar on full alert. The first half was all about 'vibrations', 'mirroring' and unblocking yourself to release your energies and project what you want into the Universe so it comes back to you. The room was full to the brim with an eclectic mix of women all nodding vigorously and taking notes.

The second half of the lecture I found more practical, relevant and very inspiring. Gaby had invited a panel of 8 women to discuss how they changed careers to become successful entrepreneurs. One such woman was a 9/11 survivor who overcame massive post-traumatic stress issues to become an acupuncturist, now treating the New York Ballet and the New York Giants. It was great being able to listen to each of them pursue something despite the many challenges and objections. Definitely helps you feel even more empowered to do the same without needing to have Anthony Robbins yell out corny motivational psyche-ups before walking across hot coals.

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